Content strategy

If it’s time for a rebrand, redesign or revamp, don’t forget about the copywriting. Your voice, tone and style are a great starting point, and a workshop with stakeholders representing the different branches of your business will make sure your team hits the ground running in the right direction.

Start here

  • Workshops

    When I host workshops, I completely take the lead – from planning brainstorming topics and timing exercises, to writing a summary and supplying Post-it notes in all different colors. Workshops can be booked for a half day or full day with as many as six participants. I recommend putting together a group that represents marketing, sales, customer services and product development. These sessions are ideal for defining a company’s voice and tone, landing on a core message for an important launch, creating a content marketing strategy, or mapping your customer journey and key messages at each stage.

  • Voice, tone & strategy

    To arrive at a voice and tone, you have to know who you’re speaking to and what kind of a personality your brand has. In a voice, tone and style workshop, we’ll compare your brand to other existing brands and we’ll come up with adjectives that describe how you’d like to “speak” to customers/users/followers. That’s your voice. Your tone is the slight changes in your voice when you address followers on social media compared to when you write to customers about a complaint or when sharing posts as part of an employer branding campaign.

Workshops can take place on site, virtually with Miro, or at the SO Many Words HQ at p15 in Biel.

<< the p15 workshop space

Let’s find your voice

If you’re ready to take the next step to define your content strategy, editorial plan and company voice, send me a message and we’ll find time for a virtual meet-up. I’m already looking forward to hearing from you!


You’ve got the strategy. Website copywriting
is up next.